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"The most fulfilling part of life is being of service to something bigger than ourselves."


My Experience...

In February 2024 I traveled to India for the first time. I was in my young twenties and spiritually hungry for something real. Having grown up in a Sufi lineage I was naturally drawn to India. It had been about a decade hearing the call from the other side of the planet, the time had arrived for me to go finally.

My grandfather told me about a non-profit called the Hope Project that he’d been a part of for decades. He told me that I should come with him and do some volunteer work there as well as experience the roots of Sufism. 


So we went, and quickly fell in love with the inescapable atmosphere of spiritual life. It is so weaved into the daily culture, from the prayers over each meal, to the dashboards of the tuktuk drivers. It was everywhere.

As we came to understand, the Hope project is located in the middle of a neighborhood called the Basti where the streets are very small, and vendors are occupying 90% of the space. The other 10% is a constant flow of people, dogs, goats, chickens, birds, and children. 

We found our way in, and throughout the next two weeks we would expand our experience of humility, gratitude, and possibility. The Hope Project is a school, a medical center, skill development, health care, nursery, & kitchen that is completely in harmony with the needs of the community. Hundreds of children have gone through the program and found themselves on a trajectory that they never thought was possible. It had quite an impact to think about how so many people like my grandfather had dedicated so much of their lives in service to giving children a chance at a better life.


My heart was blasted wide open and I felt a deep call to help in any way I could. Even now, I often find myself confused on what to think or how to feel about the things I witnessed while in India, but I know that the true potential of this amazing thing called "Hope Project” is so beautiful. I will be returning very soon. 

I'd like to use my platform of music to assist the project further by donations and resource supplies. It feels amazing to know that our efforts here are of service to children on the other side of the world. It means so much to know that my fanbase is willing to help too!

Images of Hope


My Grandfather has been a part of this incredible project for over 20 years. This is a great way to help young children who are less fortunate than us! This project provides education, resources, and schools for young children in India. With everything that is going on currently in the world, I'm sure you are feeling a little hopeless. This project is a way through love to give to someone who needs help! We all can make a difference! Thank you so much! 



The Hope Project was founded in 1980 by the Sufi teacher, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. Moved by the extreme poverty of the people living near the mausoleum of his father Hazrat Inayat Khan, he envisioned a program, which would enable the poor to help themselves.

Located in Basti Hazrat Nizamuddin, the Hope Project currently runs a community health centre, a creche, a non-formal school, vocational training courses, a thrift and credit program, and a women’s micro-enterprise unit.

Guided by the spiritual ideals of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Hope Project is driven by the spirit of service to humanity and respect for all religions. It strives to provide people, especially the poor and vulnerable, with opportunities and resources, so that they can realize their hidden potential and determine their own future.

© 2018 by Galen Deery

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