Hey thank you for checking out what I'm up to!
Throughout my life, I've always felt music as the glue of our reality. Sound, emotion, life struggles are what we all can relate to.
This next phase of sound I've been making is some of the dopest noise to come out of me yet. Let me know what you think! Go ahead and join my email community to stay connected with everything me and the band are up to!

This is my band "The Reason Why" made up of my best friends Will Coccia (guitar) Pete Ciccone (drums) and David Beitler (bass). Make sure you check out the shows we have lined up. We may be coming your way soon.
Our goal is too use music as a bridge through the unseen aspects of our human conditioning and consciousness. To uplift and inspire our fellow humans on a fundamental level may reignite a harmony with the natural world. Hopefully for the better.
With soaring chorus's, shredding guitar solos, and a passion for bending the rules, we have a something cool up our sleeves.